UX Research
Experiences, Challenges, & Applied Solutions.
The Index Card Hack
How do I get a classroom of 20+ students up and running with the materials I'm testing while also capturing each student's demographic information, feedback, survey responses, etc. all within a 30 minute class period?
Establishing a UXR Infrastructure
How do I established an infrastructure and subsequent culture for UXR in an organization where they currently do not exist? Further, how do I then continually evolve that infrastructure and culture once they are established
The Mobius Camera Hack
How do I document the many human-computer and human-human interactions that occur during a classroom session? How do I do this as non-invasively and cost effectively as possible?
Observing Search Behavior
How do I observe the way educators search for content without taking them out of their natural setting and imposing on their time?
Collaborative Usability Tests
How do I conduct usability tests on products intended for the complex, multi-user, collaborative environment that is the modern-day, blended learning classroom?
Analyzing Collaboration
How do I analyze field test, usability tests, and observations where collaborative interactions occurred?
Visual Communication
How do I communicate research findings, ideas, and abstract concepts in a manner that is easily digestible by my team and other stakeholders?